The Adventure series are a great set of books from Enid Blyton, about Philip the animal lover who can make any animal fall in love with him, Jack the bird lover loves any bird and has one for his own,Kiki is Jacks bird and loves to copy any sound, Dinah is Philips sister and hates all the wild animals he keeps and he loves teasing her so their always fighting and then Lucy-Ann is Jacks sister and never wants to be to far away from him and in the summer hols they always go head-long in to a hair rasing adventure!!!! 10/10
the 'Secret Seven' collection is a good book and has 4 adventures from the secret seven and i think that Enid Blyton is a really good writer 7/10
'Little Women' is a classic and a great read about 4 sisters finding out that growing up has it's ups and downs 9/10
'44 Scotland Street' is a book by Alexander McCall Smith and is about 5 people all living in a flat in scotland and thier hard days trying to find love and jobs and look after kids!! 8/10
TWILIGHT SARGA is a great series from stephenie meyer it's about a human girl called bella falling in love with a vampire called edward!! 10/10